GururBrahma GururVishnu
GururDevo Maheshwaraha
Guru Saakshaat ParaBrahma
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha
- Guru is the Creator (Brahma), Guru is the Preserver(Vishnu), GuruDeva is Destroyer(Maheshwara)
- Guru is the absolute (singular) Lord himself, Salutations to that Sri Guru
Our creation is that guru (Brahma-the force of creation); the duration of our lives is that guru (Vishnu-the force of preservation); our trials, tribulations, illnesses, calamities and the death of the body is that guru (devo Maheshwara-the force of destruction or transformation). There is a guru nearby (Guru Sakshat) and a guru that is beyond the beyond (param Brahma). I make my offering (tasmai) to the beautiful (shri) remover of my darkness, my ignorance; (Guru) it is to you I bow and lay down my life (namah).
- Guru: Dispeller of Darkness; Gu=Darkness, Ru=Remover
- Brahma: Creator; Personification of Creating Quality of God
- Vishnu: Preserver; Personification of Preserving quality of God
- Deva: God
- Maheshwara: Destroyer; Personification of Destroying Quality of God
- Saakshaat: Self/ Himself
- ParaBrahma: He who is the highest Lord; Consciousness
- Tasmai: To him/ To such
- Sri: Holy, splendorous
- Namaha: Salutations
Guru Mantra